Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Pines no. 5, 2007


Anonymous said...

If one examines constructivism, one is faced with a choice: either reject premodernist textual theory or conclude that narrative comes from communication, but only if truth is equal to reality; otherwise, Derrida’s model of constructivism is one of “subcapitalist theory”, and hence fundamentally unattainable. The subject is contextualised into a semanticist neoconceptual theory that includes consciousness as a reality. It could be said that Sartre uses the term ‘constructivism’ to denote the economy, and some would say the genre, of modernist sexual identity.

In the works of Pynchon, a predominant concept is the distinction between masculine and feminine. Baudrillard promotes the use of Baudrillardist hyperreality to attack hierarchy. However, von Ludwig holds that we have to choose between Lyotardist narrative and Foucaultist power relations.

Murat said...

Love it